When The Party’s Over
Marketing Beyond the New Thing Hype
Everyone loves new things and succumbing to new thing hype is an accepted part of life. As a marketing agency, this is our job. Create hype to get people on board then convert them to customers, believers, even worshippers. You may think worshippers is hyperbole, but have you heard anyone talk about Apple products?
New technology releases are a great example of this. From new social media sites, to ear buds, to cell phones we’ve all been pulled in. Marketing these new products and services run the risk that they won’t live up to the hype. People can feel mislead or let down by the reality of this new thing. So you mean this new iPhone I waited in line 2 days for really just has slightly more storage? Wait a minute, Bitcoin has officially been the future for 15 years now. There is a balance to consider: marketing excitement vs real world benefit.
When the party is over, there are simple and practical utilities to augmented reality.
Case in Point
For all the over-marketing surrounding it, when the party is over, there are simple and practical utilities to augmented reality. Take our clients for instance. An artist can allow customers to preview art in their home. Augmented reality allows users to find the ideal place for home décor products. And in manufacturing, sales teams can send AR files to customers to ensure they are purchasing the right part. More on that in another post.
As you consider your marketing approach make sure not to get too lost in clever ideas. In order to create a lasting message, keep the actual benefit at the core.
Thanks for reading,
Please email me at OceanAndCakeCreative@gmail.com with any comments, questions, or criticisms.